Logo Creation Wiki
Forums: Index > Requested Logos > UnAnswers/Logo

Check mark Closed Request

This is a closed request. A UnAnswers/Logo has already been made for this wiki. Do not make changes to this article unless you want to ask again.

Hi all!

I've just started a new wiki, called UnAnswers @ Wikia. It's based on Answers @ Wikia, only it's designed to be amusing instead of factual.

So... as you can tell I'm not entirely sure what to have as a logo, I was thinking of something fairly dark (black & dark blue?). My main idea was a prominent question mark, which is slanted (or perhaps crossed out?) to reflect that we're going for the entertaining approach rather than the educational one.

So... I s'ppose it'd have the question mark in the center and be center-focused. Heh, sorry, creativity has never been my strong point. I'd be very grateful for any help, any if you have any questions just ask. A F K sig 2 A F K When Needed 12:53, 17 May 2009 (UTC) Oh, btw, it was suggested that I link to the site, but as you can see, this is pretty much the first thing I was going to get done. Hope the link was of some help.

UnAnswers How's that? Let me know if you want me to make any changes. JoePlay (talk) 18:22, 17 May 2009 (UTC)

That looks cool, thanx! =) A F K sig 2 A F K When Needed 20:04, 17 May 2009 (UTC)